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The EPub book format is still not supported on probably the most popular eReader out there, the Amazon Kindle.

There is, however, a way to convert your collection of books in the EPub format, maybe from Google Books, eBooks.com, AbeBooks, or another online collection, so that you can read those EPub files on your Kindle.

Once converted they will appear on your Amazon Kindle book menu and can be read just like any other Kindle ebook.

read epubs on your kindle

so yes, you can read an ePub book on your Amazon Kindle, just not in EPub format. You must convert it first.

The Kindle definitely has the clearest screen and is currently the closest to actually reading a book. If you haven’t already got one, it’s worth getting a Kindle and converting the EPUB book files.

How to read EPub books on your Kindle

Can the Kindle read EPubs? Well, technically no, you have to convert the EPub file to a format that Kindle does recognize (MOBI) first. There’s a few software packages out there to do this, but I’ve found Calibre to be the simplest way.

To Start – Download Calibre

ePub book management software

Calibre is an ebook management software program. Install it on your computer where you want to connect your Kindle. Calibre works with Windows, Mac, and Linux. I ran in on Windows 7 without any problems. It will automatically recognize your Kindle when you plug it in and will handle the necessary conversion when you add a EPub to your Kindle.
[Calibre also converts PDFs, find out how at: How to read PDF’s on your Kindle]

Installing Calibre is as simple as downloading it and running the setup program, accepting the license, and then clicking install.

The last setup screen, shown below, offers you the option to run Calibre right away. Leave it checked and Calibre will start up.

calibre read epubs on kindle screen shot

Next, click Add Books to add your EPub books to the Calibre management system. Browse to the folder where the books are located and select the books you want, then add them.

Calibre read epub on kindle

Now connect your Kindle device. Once it is recognized you will see a new icon at the top of Calibre called Send to Device. Click to highlight the EPub books you wish to send to your Kindle and click this button.

Calibre read epub on kindle

You will be prompted to Auto-convert the file(s), just click Yes.

Convert your epub files for Kindle

You will notice in the bottom-right corner of Calibre it will tell you the status of the jobs being performed. When the number is back to zero you can disconnect your Kindle.

Calibre epub converting to Kindle

You’re done!

Yes, it really is that easy and now you can read EPub books on your Kindle. These books will be backed up as the Kindle is backed up.

Kindle Accessories

Search for other Kindle Books from Amazon

Here’s quick links to today’s and .
Use the box below to search for other eBooks to read on your Kindle. Type the title, author, or subject in the search box below or click any book and go from there.

Other Places for Epub Books

Look for EPub books at: Google Books, eBooks.com, and Mobile Read

Don’t exclude EPub’s just because they aren’t a Kindle standard. Read EPub books on your Kindle as you would any other format. Enjoy reading!

ATTENTION – Do Not Use Hamster Free eBook Converter

If you have been searching for eBook converters you may have come across HamsterSoft which has a product called Hamster Free eBook Converter (HFEC). This product illegally uses the Calibre conversion engine as part of their product and should not be downloaded or used!

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What is the Epub format?

EPub is a free and open e-book standard. Here’s an interesting fact you may not know; EPub files are very much like web pages and can actually be edited with a web page editor. Here’s the full details from Wikipedia if you’re interested.

Why EPub?

If you don’t have an existing EPub book collection is there any reason to think about EPubs? There might be.
As a free open source format it will be used by many independent publishers that won’t be on the Amazon site. Google Books has quite a few available EPUB books. Depending on where you source your books you may find cheaper or free books in the EPub format that you want to add to your collection. Also, if you happen to be using different eReaders throughout your home or business then EPub is a publishing standard.

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