by technicalguy | Feb 22, 2011 | Internet, Security, Small Business Technology, Technology
I admit it, I use the free WIFI available at Starbucks and other coffee shops. You probably do too – just how safe is it? It was safer prior to October 2010, when a little piece of software called Firesheep became available. Firesheep allows someone to...
by technicalguy | Feb 3, 2011 | Backup, Cloud, Small Business Technology, Technology
New Vancouver Cloud Backup Service for Small Business & Home Office In an ongoing quest to provide quality support and services, Foreverwarm is pleased to announce a new Cloud Backup Service: Cloudpockets(tm). CloudPockets was just released today and is an easy...
by technicalguy | Feb 2, 2011 | Security, Small Business Technology, Social Media
Facebook Instant Personalization Here we go again Today Facebook released “Instant Personalization”, a feature that allows granted Facebook partners to use your public information in your Facebook profile and use it to personalize their own pages. This...
by technicalguy | Feb 1, 2011 | Small Business Technology
Facebook Deals is now available in Canada I look back over my last few posts and I see they are all about Facebook. It’s surprising really, since I’m not a big Facebook fan. However, Facebook is shaping our future and this last couple paragraphs in this...
by technicalguy | Jan 14, 2011 | Small Business Technology
Throughout my career I think that the two most misunderstood functions within a telephone system are Transfer and Forward. Some consider the two the same. Which of course they aren’t. In short Transfer is the act of taking a call and then transferring it to another...
by technicalguy | Jan 14, 2011 | Small Business Technology
Every Internet browser allows the setting of a home page. While many never change the home page from the default that is set by the browser, many others have selected their favorite page as their home page. Doing so allows you to start your browsing at the site you...