It is rumored that November 7th Barnes and Noble will release a new Nook Color.
No specifications are known yet however this rumored Nook will almost undoubtedly have a seven inch screen. The B&N stores are apparently transforming a section in the stores for this announcement (has anyone seen this, got pictures?).
Barnes and Noble is trying to jump the Kindle Fire
, which is being released November 15 in the US. With all the hype of the Kindle Fire, the new Nook will need to have at least similar specifications and be in the same price range. We’ll find out soon!
Here’s the Nook line-up at this time:
- – Nook eInk Reader, 6″ b&w display, WIFI, $139.00
- – Nook Color, 7″ color display, WIFI, $249.00