by technicalguy | Apr 16, 2014 | Computers, Small Business Technology, Technology
Now that Windows XP support from Microsoft has expired I’ve just seen what may be the beginning of problems associated with the closing of XP support. I’ve had two customers already today complain of extreme slowness after logging in. Symptoms I’ve...
by technicalguy | Oct 30, 2013 | Computers, Small Business Technology, Technology
It used to be that getting a larger monitor was all about fitting more on the screen, trying to maximize the “screen real estate”, as it is called. Icons were tiny and you could pretty much see all your email in one page. You probably had multiple windows...
by technicalguy | Oct 28, 2013 | Android, Email, How to, Small Business Technology
I am a big fan of the GTD (Getting Things Done) method – and it is a method so you can implement it successfully many different ways. I use Google for email, calendar, documents, and tasks and so I needed to figure out how to make GTD work within the Google...
by technicalguy | Jul 16, 2013 | Email, Security, Shaw, Small Business Technology
I received an email this week from the domain I’m particularly wary of emails from people I don’t know and so I checked it out. It looked like my Shaw Internet business account looking for account information updates, but the return email address...
by technicalguy | Jun 15, 2013 | Email, Small Business Technology
If you are suddenly getting an Outlook 500 error when sending emails, and you haven’t changed any of your email settings, then it might be a Windows Update to Outlook. The Windows Update included something for Windows versions 8 and 10 that changed the way SMTP...
by technicalguy | Jun 6, 2013 | Small Business Technology, Technology
Adding more disk space to your home computer is no big deal, but when you’ve run out of space on a rackmount server it has its own challenges. Here’s how my morning went yesterday. We had picked up a drive extender to add to an existing server using VMWare...