If you have a {name}@shaw.ca email address then you may not be receiving all the email you should. Shaw.ca, by default, will filter any email it determines to be Spam. Problem is, you’ll never know if you’re missing email because the Shaw spam email filter default is to delete those emails before you see them.
I’ve had Shaw customers recently who have not been receiving our company emails because for some reason we get filtered.
Here’s how to set your Shaw Spam eMail filtering so that Shaw sends you all your email:
Login to the Shaw Customer Center
1. On the menu, shown below, select Internet, then Manage Email and Webspace
2. Click Settings for the email you wish to change
3. At the very bottom of the page look for Junk Email
4. Change the filtering level from “Delete suspected junk email”, to “Tag suspected junk email”
Click Save Settings at the bottom of the page.
Now Shaw will send all email to you and any that it thinks are spam will start with [Shaw Suspected Junk Email]. This means of course that you may also receive Spam and you will need to be more careful in email that you open and links you click on within emails.
Still, I’d rather have control of that rather than leaving it in the hands of someone else.