by technicalguy | Feb 22, 2011 | Internet, Security, Small Business Technology, Technology
I admit it, I use the free WIFI available at Starbucks and other coffee shops. You probably do too – just how safe is it? It was safer prior to October 2010, when a little piece of software called Firesheep became available. Firesheep allows someone to...
by technicalguy | Feb 2, 2011 | Security, Small Business Technology, Social Media
Facebook Instant Personalization Here we go again Today Facebook released “Instant Personalization”, a feature that allows granted Facebook partners to use your public information in your Facebook profile and use it to personalize their own pages. This...
by technicalguy | Jan 27, 2011 | Security, Social Media
Facebook has finally released a secured browsing option for their website. Facebook now offers the ability to browse their site using HTTPS, which will help to eliminate hacker problems with the likes of Firesheep and others. Be aware though that this feature is not...
by technicalguy | Jan 17, 2011 | Security, Social Media
Have a look at this article from Sophos – it seems Facebook is tearing down the privacy wall again and offering Application Developers access to your personal home address and your cell phone number. If you haven’t already done so you should immediately...
by technicalguy | Jan 3, 2011 | Computers, Network, Security
Here we are, at the beginning of 2011. Have you thought out goals or resolutions for the year? What will you do differently? As a small business owner and entrepreneur the questions might be: What have you learned from 2010? Is there a new direction for 2011? What...
by technicalguy | Dec 15, 2010 | Security, Small Business Technology, Technology
Okay, so you probably don’t have secrets at the level of the US government – but you still have confidential data. Business trade secrets, personal and private information about you, and employees. Stop and think for a moment: what disruption and breakdown...